the rumors are true, as I will be moving away from a full-time wrestling
schedule in the coming months! I thank all my Malenkomaniacs for their
continued support! I will still be employed at the WWF as a trainer and
road agent! Me as a road agent! Ugh... can you imagine a high-class WWF
Superstar such as myself being reduced to booking Justin Credible vs. K-Kwik
in the backwoods of West Testicle, Montana?! Oh well, at least it's SOMETHING...
And what is up with CRZ filing
these magazine reviews under "Humour?" That's not true, these are SERIOUS
RECAPS! He even included that extra "u" in there that only elitists, Limeys,
and Canucks use! CRaZy, I tells ya! Now let's get to the (SERIOUS) revue!
"Trust me when I say that Jackie is the toughest female pound for pound in the business. On a good day, she can beat any female I've seen and some male light-heavyweights! Despite all this, however, she is not over, was never over, and nor will she ever be over! Ya know, when no one cares about you even after you make regular appearances on one of the highest rated shows on MTV, something is WRONG, skippy! Now go cry over Shadrick some more, sweetcheeks! I don't care HOW 'Tough Enough' you are... you're hangin' on to your job by a THREAD, biotch! Oh yeah, and everyone buy my goddamn barbecue sauce! I have to make the last payment on my yacht!!"
Well, readers... Who Said
What?! Those who get the question right will receive............ an overwhelming
sense of intellectual satisfaction within themselves! You don't get jack
diddly from me, though!
"OK, they took the picture!
I can get out now! ...I said, I can get out now! Uhf! Ergh! Eh!... Heh
heh heh... ah... I'm STUCK, you empty-headed whore! Now stop kissing me
and get the goddamn Jaws of Life! DAMN MY RIPPLING PECS! I KNEW those horse
steroids would come back to bite me in the ass!"
page 14: The interview is titled "Big Footsteps, Bigger Accomplishments!" Big accomplishments, yes! But admittedly, my footsteps aren't that big! It's not a fun feeling when I'm walking along the beach and I can't tell my own footprints from my five year old daughter's! *sniff* I mean, the clothes I wear are so small, I have to shop in the boy's section at J.C. Penney! YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT'S IT LIKE!!! *sob* I promised myself I wouldn't cry... hey, why are there ice cubes popping out of my eyes?
(Don't tell anyone about the boy's section of J.C. Penney thing... it's my DEEPEST, DARKEST SECRET!)
Now, as is always the case, I was grossly misquoted several times in this interview! So, for the benefit of you, the reader, I will go through it and clear up any misconceptions you may derive from this reading!
"Q: Would you go
to shows and watch your father wrestle?"
Me: I never really
watched my dad wrestle much."
Well, of COURSE not! Because that so-called "sports entertainment" crap is not a REAL SPORT! My pappy, Boris Malenko, always wanted me to come watch him wrestle at the local shows, but I had no interest in watching such tripe! Remember folks, wrestling is a stupid, ludicrous, fake sport...unless *I* am doing it! Then it's a technical wrestling extravaganza and a legitimate athletic contest which should be revered by all! "OOOOOHHHH WHATCHA GONNA DO BROTHA SAY YOUR PRAYERS AND TAKE YOUR VITAMINS..." that's not WRESTLING! So anyway, I really never bothered to watch Dad do whatever it was he did! As a youth, I preferred to spend my days searching for unusual insects under rocks, and then throwing said rocks and insects at the retarded kids around the neighborhood! Dad always wondered why I'd come home at the end of the day covered in drool! And WOW you should see the rocks bounce off those funny helmets! And what Dad never knew was that while he was off participating in his fake, glamorized "entertainment" garbage, I was usually rifling through his extensive collection of porno magazines! I'd never seen a woman do that with an iguana before!
"Q: How did being
a second-generation wrestler affect you when you first entered the business?
Me: For my first
two years, I didn't use my real name. I didn't want that stigma."
Being the nice guy that I am, I didn't want to overshadow my pappy with my astounding wrestling acumen! I mean, it would have been hard on the old geezer to hear everyone say "Hey! There goes that future superstar, Dean Malenko! Even at this young stage of his career, he is already infinitely superior to his washed-up father, uh...Horace...Morris...whatever his name was! You da MAN, Deano!"
So I used a pseudonym when I was just starting out! I admit that I'm not the most creative guy in the world, but fortunately the guys at the independent federations I used to work for always suggested ring aliases for me, such as "Mike Oxlittle," "Phil Myass," and "I. Amatool." It was very creative and generous to give up some of their valuable time to think of ring names for me!
.............................Hey, wait a minute...!
"Q: How nervous
were you coming here?
Me: ...I think
it definitely paid off for me and others. I've been able to do a lot of
things here I wasn't able to do there."
Like wrestle on Jakked! I mean, if I were still in WCW, would I have been able to wrestle on Jakked, a WWF show?! I think NOT! Thank you for the opportunity, Vince! (tool)
"Q: You mentioned
the Malenko Wrestling School earlier. Do you still operate it?
Me: I closed it
about two years ago, because I was on the road so much. ...it got to the
point where I was leaving students in other people's hands. I always said
that when my dad passed away if there wasn't a Malenko there to train people,
then I didn't want to keep the school open."
Makes sense to me! I mean, without ME, what other Malenkos are there to train people?! Dad? No. He's dead. Duh! My brother Joe? No, he's a loser! He's not all there, quite frankly! He lives in a cardboard box in the outskirts of our hometown, Tampa! He has conversations with rocks and he kills rats with a toothpick for food! So obviously he is not the kind of person I want training potential future Shooters! My wife? Nah, technically she's only a Malenko by marriage and besides, wimmenz don't belong in a wrestling ring! Mom? No, she's dead too. I think. Maybe I should call and find out, but I'm too busy doing... uh...you know... stuff! SHUT UP!!!
Anyway, I closed that place 'cause I got sick of wave after wave of inbred hicks asking me "Hey, Mister Malenker, ah'm sick of these armbars! When do we get ta do one o' them hurry-can-rannas?!" Ugh! And as if that weren't enough FUN for me, I get to train the lazy lumps of flesh down in OVW! Whoop-dee-doo! I'll be sure to help Eric Angle beat all of his screaming fans off with a stick! HAHA! What an oaf! I'll also remember to bring my sun lamp, as he has become awfully pale from constantly living in his brother's shadow!
"Q: Are you involved
at helping out some of the younger guys here?
Me: ...There are
guys now doing things athletically that I never would have fathomed 20
years ago. Jeff Hardy is a great example. ...I'm more than happy to help
out if someone wants it."
Yes, I admit it! I said it: Jeff Hardy can and does pull out some impressive high-flying maneuvers! I stick to my previous statement, 'cause I'm a man of my word! However, all the impressive high-flying maneuvers in the world won't change the fact that Jeff Hardy is a stupid faggoty raver-lookin' jackass! FEAR is only a four letter word, Jeff... then again, so is TOOL!
"Q: Who are some
of the best guys you've worked with?
Me: Otani, Hakushi,
Kobashi, and Liger are just some of the great athletes in Japan with whom
I've had some really memorable matches."
"Otani, Hakushi, Kobashi and Liger?" Is that the Jap version of Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young? Anyway, it shouldn't even have to be stated that I had great matches with these slanty-eyed superstars! Myself and those yellow fellows are a winning combination in the squared circle! In fact, so respected was I in Japan, that every time I stepped into the ring to do battle with one of my fellow wrestlers, the Japanese fans would shower me with cries of "Yusuk!" My good friend Jushin "Thunder" Liger later told me that "Yusuk" was a Japanese phrase of respect, meaning "We are in awe of your technical wrestling ability, you hot hunk of man!" People shouted that phrase at me a lot back then, and they still do today in American rings! So as you can see, I was quite the superstar in Japan! Hey, I wonder why Liger was stifling laughter when he told me this...?
"Q: Have you given
any thought as to what you'd like to do after you stop competing in the
Me: Maybe a male
stripper. [laughs] Just kidding."
I am misquoted AGAIN! I never said I was kidding! What's so funny about the idea of me being a male stripper!? The ladies would swarm to my shows like flies swarm to dog dooky! Hell, when your job entails running around in your underwear in front of thousands of people, you might say you already have some male stripping experience!
"Q: Do you think
that your father would be proud of your professional accomplishments?
Me: ...I know
that every night that I step into the ring, he's looking down and is proud
of what I do."
Uh, actually I said that he was probably looking UP, if you catch my drift!
("I guess you could say you've
got a good head on your shoulders, huh?") I could say that, but that joke
fucking sucks, so I won't! ("Well, *I* thought it was clever...")
[Insert Obligatory BEEF CURTAINS~!
Reference Here, Comedically Intertwined With The Photos Of A Scantily Clad
Woman] It seems like you tools "mark out" (whatever that means) for BEEF
CURTAINS so I included it here. Aren't I nice? (Don't answer that!)
However, I was disappointed in this little tidbit: "Now 85, Thesz has been retired for years." Oh COME ON! Is he gonna let a little grey hair and osteoporosis stop him from dominating in the ring?! QUITTER!!! I say we bring him back, and have the Rock job clean to him! That's REALISTIC! He could take the Rock eight days of the week! He might be a little up there in years, but Louie really knows how to really cinch in a good old-fashioned headlock! All the Rock can do is his stupid eyebrows and elbows! Thesz would have Rocky screaming like a little girl with his many wrestling holds in seconds! Also, I'd have Lou no-sell the People's Elbow and rip Rocky's stupid eyebrow right off his skull! Show the public what hogwash it really is! If you think the People's Elbow is a legitimate wrestling hold, I have a bridge to sell you! I also have a Cloverleaf with your name ALLLLLL over it, you bumbleheaded booby!
"But Dean," you say, "if he expects to get over in today's fast-paced world, he needs some sort of gimmick!" Fear not, I've got it covered! If we absolutely MUST sink to disgracing him with a gimmick name, how about "The Geriatric Juggernaut?" Or "Leapin' Louie the Sinister Senior Citizen?!" Have him bring a bedpan down to ringside, and when the referee's back is turned: WHAM!! I'm telling you, these are gimmicks with "money" written all over them!! Screw training and road agentry... make me a BOOKER! I'm just brimming over with great ideas!
"Long known in wrestling circles for his technical ability and physical toughness, Regal has been a darling of Internet fans and technical wresting enthusiasts for years." Damn straight he has! This guy's name attracts tildes~! like Jeff Hardy attracts prepubescent teen girls and homosexual adult males! I read a 'Net article back in 1998 during Regal's darkest hour, in which he struggled with a morphine addiction. It went a little somethin' like this:
Truly a poignant tale! I
for one am glad to see him back, 'cause I like to make fun of British people!
You tea drinkin' limey bastuds!
"'Tell him about the time I broke your arm,' Dean Malenko grunts, noticing Lynn locked in conversation with a reporter." [Malenko's Note: I do not "GRUNT!!" What am I, a freakin' pig?!] "Lynn manages a smile. 'Yeah, that happened in WCW [World Championship Wrestling],' he says. 'He shot me up over his shoulder and was bringing me down from the top rope, and my elbow hyper-extended and dislocated. I did everything you could do to an arm in one shot---fracture, partial ligament tear above my tricep, everything'."
Now faithful Malenkomaniacs, I implore you to not believe a single word out of Jerry Lynn! The story he outlines in the preceding paragraph is full of vicious, slanderous half-truths! While it is, in fact, true that Mr. JL was to be brought down by his arm and take a bump from the top rope, it was NOT my fault that he blew the spot like a retard! I'm the Man of 1000 Holds, remember, I KNOW what I'm doing between those ropes! Anyway, there he was, perched on the second turnbuckle, when I charged over to him and grabbed his arm! As I did this, I heard Jerry cry "No, wait, Dean! This isn't the ending we agreed on! I'm supposed to reverse this into a tornado DDT for the victory---[snap] AAARRRGGHHH!!!" And I pulled him off by his arm and threw him on the ground! He sold the "arm injury" very well, I must admit! To make it look more convincing, I worked over the "injured" arm for another five minutes with a series of armbars, wristlocks, and the Greco-Roman arm stomp! I then mercifully ended it with the Texas Cloverleaf! (it is a little known fact that this move puts intense pressure on the arms) What a TOOL! Imagine! Blaming ME for his boneheaded mistakes! No wonder he went from ECW World Champion to WWF King of the Dark Match! HAHAHA!
And there you have it! The
real story straight from the horse's mouth! I'm not a horse, though! OR
a pig! "Grunts..." Jesus!
As you can see in the bottom
right hand corner, I have cinched in the rare, dreaded "Inverted Umbilical
Cord Lock!" Since this time many a hopeful fetus has used this move en
route to stardom! Note to all would-be wrestlers: I say as soon as you're
a multi-celled organism, you're ready to start training! It's NEVER too
Oh, the horror, the HORROR!!!
Until next time, you tools... I am not an animal! And ESPECIALLY not a pig or a horse!